Monday, March 10, 2014

My "Happiness Project"

My goal ...or one of them for this year is to find a way to be truly happy with my life. To see the good before the bad in things and to look on the "sunny side" of life. There is always so much to be thankful for and we only get this one life we are given. Too much time is spent in the 'wish I hads' and 'might have beens'.

Happiness Project 2014 - Day 1

Last night I lay outside my oldest sons door...on the the dark. I was quiet. My husband had turned off the television so we could hear more clearly what he might be singing about. Jake had gone to bed almost an hour before but with the time change, it just wasn't tired. He was being good though, staying in his room and singing aloud about the days events, his favorite things and what we might do tomorrow. In those few moments before he realized we had turned the tv down, I listened with such happiness at the sweet voice coming from behind the door. Jake is a joy. He loves the world and learning and he loves us. I am lucky to have him and for me, this was a very happy moment.

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